Monday, 10 May 2010

Fresh from the battle field

After a good few months I have settled on the Legio Prodigiosus colour scheme! So here is Captain Addeu!

He is the first of my tactical sargeants and right now I am working on his squadron. The base colour is a 50/50 mix of Dheneb Stone + Bleached Bone. Once applied, the colour is shaded with Ogryn Flesh, and then highlighted with the basecoat mix with added Skull White. The freehand detail is Dheneb Stone, Bleached Bone, and Chaos Black.

The blood is a nice way to make 'em look all gruff and tough. Mix up Choas Black+Red Gore+Ogryn Flesh+Scorched Brown+'Ard Coat+PVA. Then simply take a rough brush, dab it into the mixture, and flick the brush off an edge onto your miniature. If there are areas that you don't want to get splashed on then cover them with some blue tac.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Power Armour Of The 41st Millenium

Soon to come: my take on power armour...

All image rights to Games Workshop/Citadel Miniatures